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How we support pupils

Class organisation is reviewed each year according to the needs of the cohort enabling us to teach in a way that matches individual needs and challenges each group of learners. Pupil's placement within the groups is reviewed regularly to ensure that every pupil is in the appropriate and flexible group. The highly adapated curriculum ensures SEND pupils are able to access the curriculum to help them reach their full potential.

Pupils are generally taught in their mixed ability classes for all lessons, this is constantly reviewed and small group or 1:1 sessions will be used when needed.

Within the Foundation Stage, Year 1 and Year 2 SEND support work and intervention groups are organised, resourced and staffed each year according to the needs of the cohorts. Parents/Carers are informed throughout the process.   

Recommendations from outside agencies e.g. Speech and Language or Educational Psychology are used to ensure SEND pupils are able to access the curriculum.

The effectiveness of the provision is evaluated regularly and any necessary changes are implemented as soon as possible.

Westfield Infant School offers an extensive range of interventions to support the pupils’ different needs, enabling full access to participation in school life. e.g. Nurture Groups, Social Communication Groups, Behaviour Support, Luncheon Club and Breakfast Club. 

If your child has specific behavioural needs staff may use a behaviour plan and will liaise with you regularly. All staff are made aware of the action to be followed in order to support pupils. These plans ensure the support is individual, consistent and monitored through the graduated response.

We work closely with the LA team responsible for Looked After pupils. Our Home-School Agreement ensures pupils and Parents/Carers are committed to the ethos and aims of our school.

The curriculum is also extended through clubs within the school day and after school activities. These activities give the pupils opportunities to develop new skills as well as display their talents. Some of these extended curriculum opportunities are provided by the school and others run by external providers. Examples of activities provided include Multisports, Recorders and Gardening Club.

Where relevant parents/carers can be involved with the planning of activities/trips to meet the needs of their child.

At playtimes and lunchtimes there is a high level of adult support in the playgrounds (enclosed or main playground). When required a pupil may be monitored or supported more closely to meet their needs. The PlayPod resources ensure co-operative and purposeful play is promoted and social communication is developed. The level of support will vary depending on the needs of the pupils. At lunchtime pupils from the fresource base join the rest of the school to eat together. Special diets are catered for. Pupils have high levels of support if required.  Luncheon Club runs each day to support highlighted pupils with their social skills or for other reasons that have been recognised by members of staff.

Staff are aware of the medical needs of pupils. If training is required school sources training e.g. training to use an Epipen. Care Plans are provided where relevant. See also the Personal/Intimate Care and Toileting Policy.

For further information see Section 3a, 3c, 3e, 3f and 3g of the full version of the SEND Information Report