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Equality Objectives

Equality Objectives (to be reviewed every 3 years)

In fulfilling the legal obligations and establishing our school ethos, Westfield Infant School is guided by 9 objectives.

The objectives apply to all the positive characteristics as detailed in the Legal Framework.

The attached Equality and Accessibility Plan details how Westfield Infant School aims to address these objectives 2021-24. Annual targets towards these objectives are detailed in a separate appendix.

Objective 1: To ensure all pupils are valued equally

Westfield Infant School sees all pupils as equal value.

Objective 2: To respect and recognise differences

Treating people equally (Objective 1 above) does not necessarily involve treating them all the same. Policies, procedures and activities must not discriminate. They must take account of different life experiences, outlooks and backgrounds in relation to:

Objective 3: To foster and promote a shared sense of cohesion and belonging including positive attitudes and relationships

Objective 4: To ensure that staff recruitment, retention and development follow equality guidance

Objective 5: To reduce and remove inequalities and barriers that already exists

Objective 6: To consult those affected by policy on equality

Objective 7: To address prejudice and prejudice related bullying

Objective 8: To promote equality in society as a whole

Objective 9: To inform the Governing Board about equality at Westfield Infant School

  • The Governing Board will draw up and publish equality objectives every three years and annually publish information demonstrating how they are meeting the aims of the general public sector Equality Duty. The public sector Equality Duty requires public bodies to have due regard to the need to eliminate discrimination, advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations between different people when carrying out their activities.

  • In order to achieve the above a brief summary will be prepared and presented to the Governing Board at the final full Governing Board meeting at the end of the summer term.

If you require a hard copy of any of the above information please contact the school office.