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Governance Impact Statement

Governance Impact Statement

For abbreviations see end of table


What Governors Do What Westfield Infant Governors Do Impact
1 Carry out our statutory duties, such as safeguarding and understand the boundaries of our role as Governors
  • Relevant Governor Training
  • Governor induction pack has clear guidelines
  • Nominated Safeguarding Governor
  • Nominated SEND Governor
  • Nominated Anti-Bullying Governor
  • Detailed tracking of statutory policies and a progreamme of review and approval (policy index, minutes)
  • Governor training in Safer Recruitment
Governors are clear on boundaries, statutory role and responsibilities and Governors' work reflects this
2 Ensure that the school promotes tolerance of and respect for people of all faiths (or those of no faith), cultures and lifestyles.  Support and help, through our words, actions and influence within the school and more widely in the community, to prepare children and young people positively for life in modern Britain
  • Governors have promoted Routes to Resilience programme
  • Inclusion Quality Mark (Flagship Status)

Governors have a range of evidence that school has many things in place to address this area and that action is being taken to develop further.


Westfield Infant School awarded IQM Flagship status

3 Ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction, including long term planning
  • Supports the HT in developing the Leadership Team
  • Dedicated sub-committees to ensure a strategic approach - Finance and Staffing, Achievement of Pupils, Premises and Health & Safety and Safeguarding
The GB supports the development of leadership and quality of teaching.  This has led to improvements in pupil performance, the range and quality of enrichment opportunities, pupil enjoyment and relationship with parents/carers
4 Contribute to the school's self-evaluation and understand its strengths and weaknesses, including the quality of teaching and review the impact of our own work
  • Frequently review pupil data
  • Review SEF and ensure SSDP is aligned with it
  • Review feedback from external advisors
Governors have information, knowledge and training to enable an accurate understanding of school performance and to ensure that the SEF is based on this and that the SSDP addresses all priorities
5 Understand and take sufficient account of pupil data and assure ourselves of the rigour of the assessment process
  • AOP sub-committee
Governors have the ability to interpret data and ask questions about it.  Governors recieve data from a range of sources and have a detailed knowledge of school performance.
6 Be aware of the impact of teaching on learning and progress in different subjects and year groups
  • Review data annually in FGB meeting
  • AOP receive termly updates
  • Annual meetings with linked teacher subject leader and Governor partner (Spring Term)
  • Learning walks with HT
Governors know performance in different subjects and year groups and actions to strengthen teaching and learning
7 Provide support and challenge and hold the HT and other senior leaders to account for improving the quality of teaching and learning
  • PM reviews
  • Compare Westfield Infant School with national expectations and data (minutes)
  • Ask challenging questions based on data and ask "what's the impact?" (minutes)
  • Challenge other leaders through Governor partner meetings, learning walks
  • Attendance at Staff Meetings, e.g. work scrutiny sessions


Governors understand the school performance and ask challenging questions based on this
8 Use the PPG and other resources to overcome the barriers to learning
  • F&S sub-committee review and monitor PPG expenditure
  • AOP sub-committee monitor progress of pupils entitled to PPG
Governors know how PPG is used in the school and what impact it is having
9 Ensure financial resources made available to the school and are managed effectively
  • F&S sub-committee meets regularly to review budget
  • SFVS completed and submitted annually
  • F&S sub-committee working with HT and SB to develop accurate long term financial planning 

School budget is appropriately balanced.

Resources used effectively for the benefit of current pupils

10 Provide support for an effective HT
  • Professional and positive working relationship with HT
  • Ensure GB structure and training link to school improvement priorities
  • HT PM is focussed on school priorities
  • Governors support parent/carer meetings and school events


Strong relationship between Governing Board and HT focussed on school improvement priorities
11 Monitor PM systems and understand how the school makes decisions about teachers' salary progression, including the PM of the HT, to improve teaching, leadership and management
  • Briefing on PM system at FGB meeting (minutes)
  • Governors carry out HT annual PM with appropriate external advisor and do interim review
  • Objective links to school improvement priorities
  • Governors Pay sub-committee meets annually to agree pay decisions based on PM
  • Governor training in PM
Governors are trained and understand the PM systems and ensure objectives are linked to school improvement priorities
12 Engage with stakeholders


  • Attend pupil progress evening, meetings with parents, curriculum evenings, school events and Governor newsletters


  • Governor linked to school council and attends meetings
  • Governors attend and support educational visits
  • Governors participate in Quality Circle Times


  • Attend some INSET, staff meetings, school events, trips, learning walks and meet with Governor subject partners
  • Staff presentation at GB meetings

Others in the community

  • Regular communications with staff and Governors from Westfield Junior School and Westfield Community Centre


Governors engage with key stakeholders in a range of ways
13 Are transparent and accountable in all areas of responsiblity
  • Governors on interview panels for staff
  • Regular reviews of committees and effectiveness.  All Governors are a member of at least one Committee and all have linked subject area
  • Good attendance of Governors at all GB meetings and meetings with Ofsted, LA, parents/carers, open morning and open evenings
  • Governor newsletters issues to all parents/carers termly and available on the school website
  • Completion of pecuniary interest forms - schedule on website
  • Governors page on the website includes photos and this impact statement



GB - Governing Body

HT - Headteacher

F&S - Finance and Staffing

PH&S&S - Premises, Health & Safety and Safeguarding

SEF - Self Evaluation Form

SSDP - Strategic School Development Plan

FGB - Full Governing Body

IQM - Inclusion Quality Mark

AOP- Achievement of Pupils

PM - Performance Management

SFVS - School Financial Value Statement

SB - School Bursar

PPG - Pupil Premium Grant

LA - Local Authority